Post # 7 Love letter from a lonely Sun Tunnel

Dear Maria,
I heard some Tori Amos from a distant passing car radio and was reminded of you and our last encounter. You turned me on to Tori the day you laid in my lap, watching the sun set with your ipod echoing through my hollowness singing... "And Im so sad, like a good book, I cant put this day back, a sort of fairytale with you." I will never forget the connection we made and how good it felt to be fully appreciated. The time you took to visit with me and be present with me alone in the mid daylight till long after sunset is one I will never forget. Being out in the world is liberating. I have all the space I need to relax and be peaceful with the environment around me, yet I am alone and others like me are few and in distant areas. My relatives, as you know, are stuck inside and mostly behind glass or crowded beside others. But you came to me with great joy and wonderment. You took the time to get to know me, to experience the power, beauty and grace within me and without me. I miss that, and long to make that connection again. Dont get me wrong, I do have visitors and new admires discover me, along the way, yet  some view me as three, strange, displaced objects and dont even bother to come sit on top or within me. Photos might be taken yet most are out of novel curiosity rather then valued documentation of a glorious day spent viewing an amazing slice of life from within my circular frame that was intentionally placed on this specific spot for all to engage with and enjoy. Tori's song reminded me of you and how even though our time together was like a fairytale, you made me feel real, and worthy of being more than a hollow shell of concrete. Our interaction helped me to see my meaningful contribution as a part of the the bigger picture. Im sending a few more photos for you to remember me and. "like a good book", share me with all your friends.
Sun Tunnels...
By Nancy Holt.....(located in the Great Basin Desert, outside the ghost town of Lucin Utah)

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