Teaching Resources:  Here are a few great webpages for Art Teachers

PBS Teachers:


Incredible Art:


The Metropolitan Museum Of Art:


National Gallery of Art Classroom for teachers:


Student Art Teachers ART SHOW back in 2009

This is a short video piece and taste of a documentary I started to make two years ago and to which I have put on hold to finish. I still plan to put it all together and hope to do so in the coming summer. My idea is to do a documentary on art education and the nature of art the artist and the many ideas and manifestions that art takes.

The sound on this clip is bad in beginning and there are some glitches, yet give it a look and let me know what you think or if you would like to be in my documentary.
Thanks for all who participated in this promo. Stay tuned for final.

This is an interesting and web-wide collective art project that gives me good ideas toward creating lesson plans that include collaboration on a grand scale.

SITO is a website for individual and collaborative artists.Here you will find art portfolios of hundreds of artists around the world. Also, SITO.org creates and hosts a number of Internet-based collaborative art projects, including the award-winning Gridcosm and HyGrid.

SITO is free. Look around. Post your art or opinions. It's all subscription and advertisement-free. To post artwork, you'll need a SITO ID.


Gridcosm is a collaborative art project in which artists from around the world contribute images to a compounding series of graphical squares. Each level of Gridcosm is made up ofnine square images arranged into a 3x3 grid. The middle image is a one-third size version of the previous level. Artists add images around that center image until a new 3x3 grid is completed, then that level itself shrinks and becomes the "seed" for the next level. This process creates an ever expanding tunnel of images, the newest level a direct result of the previous level which is a result of the previous level... and so on.