After reading the book, Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson I have been reminded of some of the thoughts and feelings from my teenage years.
I think most can identify with the themes of self-consciousness and wanting to belong, to fit in; but I am also guessing many more of us, openly or secretively, can identify with things like sexual violence, post-tramatic stress, shame and or guilt.

Melinda, the main character, deals with all of this and more while she remains silent and tells the story inside her head with her observational monologues as she enters her first year in high school.

As a teacher I think it is important to know how those feelings above along with feelings of ostracism and isolation can deeply affect the developing psyche of a young person. My hope is that by taking time to build relationships with my students I will be better prepared to honestly see them and know that many of them may have secrets too painful to speak about. Then through empathy and better understanding I can offer them a safe and creative space to release and exercise their demons through art.

This Blog is about the thoughts, feelings and inspirations that have the intention to be heard, felt or burst into my day and insist that I pay them attention and listen to all they want to convey. Sometimes they come dressed in transparent colors and look like mischievous fairies that fly around my head and brush up against my ears giggling and whispering things I cant always grasp. Other times they come as messengers pounding on the door at the most inconvenient times. They reveal things to me that I have been needing or waiting for and they demand I take notes. These are the creative spirits that play with me taunt me and continue to haunt me; yet they also keep me alert and ready to receive their offerings which sometimes turn out to be pure nuggets of Gold!

Arts & Activities Magazine Departments

Arts & Activities Magazine Departments
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