This is an interesting and web-wide collective art project that gives me good ideas toward creating lesson plans that include collaboration on a grand scale.

SITO is a website for individual and collaborative artists.Here you will find art portfolios of hundreds of artists around the world. Also, creates and hosts a number of Internet-based collaborative art projects, including the award-winning Gridcosm and HyGrid.

SITO is free. Look around. Post your art or opinions. It's all subscription and advertisement-free. To post artwork, you'll need a SITO ID.

Gridcosm is a collaborative art project in which artists from around the world contribute images to a compounding series of graphical squares. Each level of Gridcosm is made up ofnine square images arranged into a 3x3 grid. The middle image is a one-third size version of the previous level. Artists add images around that center image until a new 3x3 grid is completed, then that level itself shrinks and becomes the "seed" for the next level. This process creates an ever expanding tunnel of images, the newest level a direct result of the previous level which is a result of the previous level... and so on.

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